Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone has a great spring break. Welcome back. We have a busy scheduled planned for the rest of the school year. For the next 4 weeks we will be focusing on Electricity and Electro-Magnetism. This will be a fun unit where we spend a big portion of our time in the lab. Once we complete our unit on Electricity, we will be switching classes with Mrs. Manhart and you will then be learning about Energy and Energy resources.
Before spring break we finished our unit on Forces and Newton's Laws. There were several assignments due before we went on break. Check Power School! These three assignments - the roller coaster project, Newton's Laws Standard and the Unit quiz, were worth a total of 124 points. It was explained extensively, before the break, that this will equal about a third of the fourth quarter grade. It was also explained that due to spring break that there would be no late work excepted. There are a few students who were absent of who have reasonable excuses for not handing it in. There are also a few students who have not turned it in without an excusable reason. Check Powerschool! If you have not turned it in then come talk to me this week! We will discuss how to either make it up or how to earn back some of the points.

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